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Multifunctional landscapes in the UK: tools for policy and practice

This report explores how UK landscapes can be managed to deliver multiple services, ranging from food production and climate control to biodiversity and recreation. It synthesises the current state of knowledge on multifunctional landscapes in the UK and provides a set of recommendations that can be used to inform future UK agricultural policy.

This work was funded by the Global Food Security (GFS) programme as part of its Policy Lab, in which postdoctoral researchers compete to write a policy-facing report for the programme.

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Nina Pugh

Nina is a Portfolio Manager in the Global Food Security team.

Tractor wheel mark trail on soil of agricultural plow field

Every day counts for food and farming research

The Asterix fans amongst you will know that the Gauls have only one fear, namely that the sky may fall on their heads tomorrow. As Chief Vitalstatistix says, “but tomorrow never comes”. Whilst the Chief is of course right, we should remember that ‘tomorrow’ is always less than 24 hours away. Wearing a food systems hat, we need to take the threat of the sky falling in tomorrow more seriously.

Is the UK ready for plant-based diets?

The 2019 Policy Lab winners present their new report which identifies the potential impacts of the emerging trend of plant-based diets on the UK food system. Here the team give a ‘behind the scenes’ to their process of writing a Think Piece, how they successfully engaged with stakeholders, and why now is the opportune time to be discussing plant-based diets.