Exploring the resilience of the UK food system in a global context

This policy brief, produced by GFS’ major interdisciplinary research programme ‘Resilience of the UK Food System in a Global Context’ (GFS-FSR), describes the importance of enhancing the resilience of the UK’s food system and how resilience thinking could be applied to the UK food system.

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In praise of the humble pollinator

For National Insect Week, Dr Tom Breeze from Modelling Landscapes for Resilient Pollination Services in the UK project, part of our Food Systems Resilience Programme, shares how bees are vital to global food security.


Bananas at a crossroads

Bananas, the UK’s favourite fruit, appear at first glance to be among our most reliable and resilient fresh produce. They are stocked in every supermarket on every day of the year, and their price seldom varies by more than a few pence per kilo.

Friends different selection of food

Sandpit for early-career researchers at lecturer level or equivalent

We will be holding a sandpit for early-career researchers (at lecturer level or equivalent) on 4-6 July and 19-20 July 2018 (venue TBC) for our third call ‘Resilience of the UK food system in a global context: Transforming the food system for health, sustainability and resilience across production and demand’. The application deadline is 23 May 2018, 16:00.

Resilience of the UK food system in a global context third call: Call text

We are inviting expressions of interest from early career researchers at lecturer level or equivalent to take part in a Sandpit (2.5 days on 4-6 July 2018 followed by 2 days on 19-20 July 2018) to address the following question: How can we transform our food system so it is based on healthy and sustainable diets and how would this impact on sustainable and resilient food production and supply?

(You can view PDF documents by downloading a PDF reader. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers.)