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Governance of the Global Food Security programme, including the role and membership of the Programme Coordination Group, Strategy Advisory Board and Science Advisory Group.

Nina Pugh

Nina is a Portfolio Manager in the Global Food Security team.

Resilience of the UK food system in a global context third call: Call text

We are inviting expressions of interest from early career researchers at lecturer level or equivalent to take part in a Sandpit (2.5 days on 4-6 July 2018 followed by 2 days on 19-20 July 2018) to address the following question: How can we transform our food system so it is based on healthy and sustainable diets and how would this impact on sustainable and resilient food production and supply?

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Food Systems Transformation: What’s in the policy toolbox?

This report from the ‘Transforming UK Food Systems Programme’ presents an overarching map of policy levers, a simplified categorisation of types of policy lever, and analysis of policy lever interactions, offering a common ‘toolbox’ organising framework to be used to support cross-system conversations, research and action.

Priority research questions for the UK food system

Priority research questions for the UK food system

This report highlights the key research challenges that could improve the UK food system’s efficiency and effectiveness in a global context. This GFS-led exercise developed a list of the top 100 priority research questions for the UK food system based on perspectives of a variety of stakeholders, including food industry, retail, government, wider policy, NGOs and academia.

(You can view PDF documents by downloading a PDF reader. We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers.)